
Top 25 Simple Ways to Save the Ocean

The ocean is a vast which deep that separates the various continents of the earth. Then, there are four oceans covering all over the world. The oceans cover up to 71% of the earth’s settlements, with an area of approximately 361 million square kilometers. On the other hand, there are plenty ways to save the ocean. You can start saving the ocean from yourself by doing this 25 ways to save the ocean.

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1. Use less plastic

Plastic has been one of the most used material in daily needs. We can easily find plastic in package, storage, and furniture as it’s cheap, easy to form and can last longer than other material. Uncontrolled use of plastic can actually damage the ocean.  Small pieces of trash thrown into the street are often swept into storm drains during rainstorms, which deposit the water – and the trash – into the sea. Rivers and other waterways can also sweep trash into the bays and oceans.

There are many ways to use less plastic in our daily use. We can avoid buying items packaged in plastic. When going shopping, bring your own cloth shopping bag instead of the free plastic bag from the shops. Skip bottled water and just bring your own reusable canteen. This will reduce the plastic bottle use and save more money since bottled water costs more than tap water. It’s not necessary to drink with a straw. If you really need it, choose the stainless or glass ones. If you have to use disposable ware, make sure it’s made of compostable material. You don’t need to always buy new electronics if repairing them is still possible.

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2. Don’t shell out for Sea Turtle products

Sea turtles are on the list of endangered species since they are highly exploited for their eggs, skins, meats, and shells. The beauty of sea turtle’s shells has attracted many craft artist to put the sea turtle’s shell on sale. The tourist would love the sea turtle’s shells products to take home since it represents the marine’s local products. Having the shell’s products won’t mean anything if it only gives the worse threat for the sea turtle species and pushes them to extinction.

Sea turtles are part of two essential ecosystems, beaches, and marine systems. If sea turtles become extinct, both the marine and beach ecosystems will weaken and have harmful effects. Saving sea turtles from extinction will save the ocean and human’s life since humans use the ocean as an important source for food and use beaches for many kinds of activities.

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3. Visit the aquarium, marine park or museum

Collect your marine knowledge by visiting aquarium, marine park or museum around your town. At the aquarium, you will meet hundreds to thousands animal that will spark your curiosity and compassion toward the underwater life. You can get to know how those fishes live and how vulnerable they are for getting close to extinction. Marine park will give you the best experience for getting in touch with the marine species. Snorkeling with many magnificent fishes, capture the dolphin or whale sighting through the boat or yacht. At the museum, you can improve your local marine history.

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4. Reduce toxic household pollutants

Household pollutants are contaminants that result from the use of any products in daily activities. The chemicals in the household products like soap, shampoo, detergent, toothpaste, paints, stain remover, and even cosmetics may bring harm to the ocean. The wastewater from household activities are released to the sea and can easily contaminate the marine ecosystem. To help reduce these toxic waste water from our household products, we should prefer natural ingredients products and use them wisely.

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5. Don’t feed the sharks

There are some places where feeding the shark are not permissible. Feeding shark can create negative behaviors between sharks and divers. It can also grow a dependency on artificial feeding, habituate animals to feeding locations, disrupt social interaction, and increase the spread of disease. Let the sharks feed on their natural prey to maintain the food chain at the right level. As an indicator of ocean health, sharks help remove the weak and the sick to keep the balance.

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6. Go to the beach

This might be the simplest thing anyone can do to save the ocean. Walking barefoot, letting the wave touches your skin, throwing your sight to the furthest may give you the sense of life especially in nature. Taking children to the beach will make them wonder of their surrounding. They are the curious little creatures who want to know everything. By this way, it’s better to teach them the simplest lessons about the ocean and how important it is for life.

7. Choose to eat healthy and sustainable seafood

There are plenty fish in the water. But that doesn’t ensure that there are always sustainable resources to fulfill human’s needs. As consumers, we need to choose the fish that are sustainable rather than the endangered ones. If you feel like buying canned tuna, make sure you choose the ‘pole and line’ varieties. You can choose the albacore tuna rather than yellowfin and bluefin tuna. Anyhow, the farmed products are more sustainable than the ones caught in the wild.

8. Find out if your cruise ship is ocean friendly

Cruises are an attractive option to go on vacation. It’s very pleasant to have a trip across the ocean. But, do you know how much cruise ship have impacted on the marine pollution? Many large ocean ships run on a giant diesel engine that can emit dangerous levels of sulfur dioxide. Overall, cruise pollution will cause water, air, noise, and sewage pollution. So, if you’re planning to go vacation on a cruise ship, make sure that your cruise ship is ocean friendly.

9. Eat organic foods whenever possible

If you are a vegetarian, you should be proud cause you have saved more water than those who eat more meats. To satisfy their thirst, people who eat beef will need 29.6 gallons of water per gram of protein produced. Beans and lentils require 5 gallons and chicken 9 gallons. Thus, choose your diet carefully to keep your body healthy and the environment safe.

10. Don’t use your storm drain as a toilet

Storm drain system helps prevent floods by redirecting rainwater into the nearby waterway. Since storm drains do not connect to the treatment system, everything that flows down the sewer goes directly to the nearest water body, then end up in the ocean. So, if you let the storm drain the place to empty your bladder, you will contaminate the ocean.

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11. Limit the off-shore oil drilling

Off-shore oil drilling has impacted many aspects. Spills from offshore drilling accidents can affect coral reefs and marine life. Offshore surveying often uses air guns to send sound waves into the ocean. These powerful sound waves can disrupt dolphins and other marine mammals live since they use sound to find food, communicate and travel.

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12. Join in a beach cleanup

While you are at the beach, throw the trash to the right garbage bin. If you find trash around you, just pick them up and put them into the garbage bin. More of that, you can join a beach cleanup so you can collect as much as trash around the beach and help prevent the trash get swept by the wave and contaminates the ocean.

13. Learn the tides and the navigation charts

Crabs, snails, mussels, seaweed and other edible marine life inhabit the tidal zone. The sea life found in these regions are high resources for food. Without the regular washing of the tides, the existence of these complex and abundant creatures would fade away and food resources would decline.

14. Don’t buy coral jewelry

Marine crafts are the best since they are full of colors and various in shape, like coral, sea stones, sands, etc. Although these materials are beautiful for crafts, exploiting them will be harmful to the ocean. Corals are the main source of food and shelter for many species.

15. When diving – take only pictures, leave only bubbles

When you go diving, the only thing you should take is pictures. Do not take or disturb what’s under the water surface. And if you have to leave something, let it be the bubbles of the air from you regulator system, not anything else that may be contaminating the water.

16. Don’t buy sea snake oil remedies

Marine organisms can be the source of many natural remedies. Sea snake oil is used for remedies because of the amount for beneficial omega-3s. Highly exploiting sea snakes although they are abundant in the sea, will disrupt the food chain and the ecosystem balance.

17. Restore a stream, river, and watershed

Stream, river, and watershed will eventually run into the ocean. Whatever the water brings will impact the ocean. Keep the stream, river, and watershed clean to prevent the contamination. Do not throw rubbish into the stream, river, or watershed.

18. Support your local swamp

Beside its plants’ ability to prevent the tidal flooding, swamps are the home for many animals like crabs, conchs, and other shellfish. Support the swamp in your local are to keep the ocean healthy and your environment safe.

19. Be a Blue Boater

When you go on a boat trip, make sure your boat is using the four-stroke engine which is waste and pollution less. Fill your fuel from the land and don’t let it spill to water. Clean the boat with eco-friendly products.

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20. Protect the dunes so they’ll protect you

Sand dunes are important as the first line of defense against coastal storms and beach erosion. They absorb the impact of storm surge and high waves, preventing flooding and damage to inland structures.

21. Support marine education in our schools

Educating students with marine knowledge will improve their awareness of the ocean. Furthermore, they will be given how important the ocean is for whole life and what they can do to save the ocean.

22. Keep an ocean-friendly aquarium

If you would like to have an aquarium for your house, you need to choose the right method that is ocean-friendly. Learn how to monitor and maintain the water quality properly.

23. Be a seaweed rebel

Be a seaweed rebel unless you can farm it. Although seaweed is easy to grow, we need to keep the ocean ecosystem balance by taking advantage without causing damage.

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24. Count the fish, then do some light housekeeping for them

Count the fish you caught and keep them alive with some light housekeeping. However, consider to not fishing the endangered species to keep them from extinction.

25. Find joy and solace in the sea and talk about it in your place of worship

Be grateful for how everything has been created perfectly for every living creature. But anyway, save the ocean for every life sake.

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Those are some ways to save the ocean to be always alive. Most of all, being generous with natural resources is a good act to be living altogether.


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