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Differences between Wind Wave and Tsunami Wave

by Widiya

Before getting down to the difference between ocean wave caused by wind and tsunami wave, it is better for you to know in advance about sea wave (Read more: Function Of Sea Waves).

Sea wave is a wave that has a large size. The size of ocean is particularly large, so there must be wave, and large wave can also be said to be wave.

This wave can be in the middle of the open ocean but can also reach the coastal area so that it has the potential to hit something around the coastal ecosystem. (Read more: Functions Of Ocean Waves and Effects of Ocean Waves On Shorelines).

So, let us assume that we already had a picture of ocean waves, and then we will know the difference between ocean wave caused by wind and tsunami wave. But, before breaking down the difference between the two, let us look at the understanding of each of these waves.

Sea wave that arise due to wind are ocean wave that appears on the surface of the sea. We all know that the high sea must be occupied by lots of wind, especially in the mornings and evenings. At that moment, sea and land winds emerge.

At certain times, the wave created by the wind can grow large in size; though this process depends on the strength of the wind that appears. Briefly, ocean wave caused by wind is wave that is formed due to wind impulses.

For example, if we blow the surface of the water, as the consequence, a wave will appear.

Tsunami wave is wave that is formed due to the presence of endogenous power from within the Earth, usually in the form of earthquakes of which the epicenters are at the shallow depths.

The wave can appear in large and sometimes moderate forces; this depends on the endogenous forces that exist.

To be clearer about the differences between wind wave and tsunami wave, we will divide them into several points, including the following:

Wind Wave

Sea wave caused by wind have the following characteristics:

  • Appears because of the gusts of wind in the sea area
  • Usually only occurs at sea level
  • The potential for damage is only a little
  • Appears at certain times such as when it comes late afternoon to early morning and when a storm occurs
  • Marked by bad weather, such as cloudy skies or large gusts of wind

Mentioned above are some of the characteristics of a sea wave caused by wind gusts. Next are the characteristics of a tsunami wave.

Tsunami Wave

Tsunami wave is a wave that has the following characteristics:

  • Appears because of the presence of endogenous forces originating from within the Earth, such as earthquakes that have an epicenter under the sea
  • The strength of the wave is not only on the surface but also reaches the sea floor
  • Has great destructive power, because of the great impulse from within the Earth
  • The appearance is accompanied by certain signs, such as after an earthquake of which the epicenter is on the seabed, there is sudden sea water receded, many animals are running away from the sea area, there is a roar, there is a potential subsequent tsunami disaster if endogenous forces continue to appear

Those are some of the characteristics possessed by a tsunami wave. From the two waves we have known each of its characteristics. So, we can now tell the difference between wind wave and tsunami wave. Hopefully this article is useful for all of us.

Further reading: Ways to Stop Rising Ocean Levels.

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