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How Global Warming Damage The Coral Reefs

by Yoga Adi Priambodo

Recently, we gave you the information about the effects of global warming to the life under the sea. You can see that, in the long term, global warming can actually deplete mass populations of marine lives, especially because the destruction of the ecosystem. The sea that absorobed a lot of carbon diaoxide, turns into a broken ecosystem that is really unhealthy to both the life of animals and also humans. The corals that once corolful will become death white, or possibly worse. For you who wondering how global warming damage the coral reefs, here you go

1. The coral bleaching

             Global warming is not only resulting in the warmer temperature above the ground,. The ocean that has been absorbed about one-third carbon dioxide became warmer through years. The warmer condition in the water makes a lot of creaters under the sea stressed, including the corals. Within this condition, the corals would eject their zooxanthellae, which functions as oxygen griver and color bringer to the corals. Without them, the corals will have their original white color, and thus they are “bleached”. This coral bleaching which is one of many effects of global warming on ocean levels is currently spreading.

The coral bleaching events took place since the 70’s, and keeps happening since. The late event in 2017, was the longest coral bleaching phenomena, and also the most widespread one. Even though the coral bleaching doesn’t directly kill the coral, but with the stressed condition, they will eventually die. The rise in ocean temperature is really a big issue for the life of corals. Based on the data by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), if the temperature rises 2 degree above the pre-industrial level, all the corals will be depleted entirely.

2. More frequent storms

The climate change resulting in the more frequent huricanes and storms, which is truly dangerous for all the lives above and under the ocean. The warmer temperature on the ocean that is the effect of causes of ocean heat content from global warming may lead to stronger, faster, and more deadlier typhoon, huricanes, and storms. With stronger storm on the ocean, the corals branches will be destyroyed, and all the animals will also be diminished. However, there’s a positive and negative effect from the storm.

The smaller huricanes, can bring a fast relief for the stressed corals, which is great. But when the big ones coming in, all would be down to rubble. Even though the corals have survived these storms for millenia, with the current climate change and global warming effectrs, their ability to survive would be diminished.

3. The warmer ocean temperature leads to the death of sea creatures

One of the worst effects of global warming on ocean temperatures is the mass loss population of sea creatures. All these sea creatures are mainly the shellfishes and also the corals themselves. The unbalanaced change in the ocean temperature may lead to high sedimantation process which directfly affects the life of corals. The corals located near the source of sediment are the ones in danger. Sedimentation of them could make them suffocate, and eventually lead to death. This would result in mass destruction of corals if taken slightly.

4. The sea became more acidic

The sea has absorbed a lot contamination from Carbon Dioxide. Almost all the 25% of total Carbon Dioxide emmision is absorbed by the sea.  The result from this is an increase on sea acidity. The high acidity level makes the corals and other marine creatures lose their ability to create strong skeleton or shells.

With weaker protection, the corals will be more vurnurable to storms and huricanes. Aside from the disaster, they will also be more vurnurable to some infections and diseases.

5. Increased in UV

The impact of global warming on marine life is really concerning. High amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere created a condition, the loss of ozone. With less protection from ozone, the Earth will receive more intense UV level, affecting the humans lives and the marine organisms. The corals have a special benefit to be protected from the UV exposure. This because of their location that is deeper in the ocean. But, for the corals that live in shallow waters, this is a bad news. They’d be exposed to UV, and eventually die because of it.

6. The rise on sea level

There are so many bad effects of rising sea level due to global warming, especially for the lives of these creatures under the sea. An increase in ocean level makes the corals end way deeper than before, receiving less nutritien and sun light needed for living. Thus, the corals’d grow more slowly than before.

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