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15 Ways to Stop Ocean Acidification

by Fitriani

Ocean acidification is when the ocean becomes very acidic. It is no longer in the pH level that it’s supposed to be. The normal pH level of the ocean is around 8.1. There are many causes that accelerate ocean acidification which include pollution and global warming.

The following are 15 Ways to Stop Ocean Acidification that are effective. Ocean acidification is seen as a major threat to the ocean and doing these can save the ocean in the long run.

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1. Stop Using Fossil Fuel

Fossil fuel is a huge contributor to ocean acidification. It’s mostly released through burning energy from vehicles. However, factories are guilty of it too. As time goes, many countries still allow the use of fossil fuel. A way to stop it is to rely more on public transportations and have stronger rules on carbon dioxide emission from industries.

2. Use Renewable Energy

Moving on to renewable energy is an effective way to stop ocean acidification. It’s making use of the natural resources that we have without causing too many harm into the world. More and more development has been made to improve renewable energy. The easier the access to renewable energy, the bigger the chance the ocean can return to its normal state.

Read more: Use of Ocean Currents for Generating Electricity

3. Monitor Land Runoff

When it comes to ocean acidification, land runoff is a serious issue. Specifically the ones that will cause pollution or too much nutrients to the ocean. Land runoff can negatively impact coral reefs. They are important in helping the ocean maintain its healthy condition. Monitoring land runoff can prevent worsening ocean acidification.

Also read: Importance of Artificial Coral Reefs

4. Protect Forests

The forests are famously known as the lungs of the world. They absorb most of the carbon dioxide that are released into the air. In a way, they prevent the ocean from taking too much of the carbon dioxide. When forests are protected, acidification can be prevented. They can relieve most of carbon that the ocean is taking in from the world.

5. Strict Regulation

Although regulations or laws have been established to protect the ocean, pushing for a better regulation is never a bad idea. Stricter ones need to be placed so people or industries will take ocean acidification more seriously. Get involved with activities that are concerned with the marine habitat. Also, demand governments to do more than what is already been done.

6. Consume Less Electricity

Almost all of our technologies depend on electricity to run. However, this will cost the sake of the ocean. Using too much energy can increase carbon footprint that will cause ocean acidification. So consume less electricity as much as you can. Be aware of what you need and plug off whenever you can.

See also: Threats to Marine Ecosystems

7. Save Water

Saving water is also necessary. Wasting it should never be done. The energy that is exerted to treat or filter water releases a lot of heat. All the heat end up making the ocean highly acidic. Conserve your water so you can avoid harming the ocean even more.

Read more: Importance of Ocean Resource Management

8. Buy Locally

Buying the things that you need within your local community is another way to stop ocean acidification. The whole manufacturing and transporting goods to where you live release a huge amount of carbon. It’s time to be more conscious of where and how you’re buying your products.

9. Reduce Plastic

Plastic contributes to ocean acidification as well. It will take hundreds of years for them to completely disappear. Unfortunately, most of plastic components can be found in the ocean. They even break down to smaller pieces or leak dangerous chemicals to the ocean water. The best thing to do is to reduce using plastic. Opt for a more environmental friendly material such as paper, cotton cloth, metal or glass.

Also see: How to Prevent Plastics in the Ocean

10. Recycle Waste

Always recycle your waste to stop ocean acidification. Other than ending up in a landfill, most waste actually goes into the ocean. They are toxic and will cause the ocean a lot of problems. Always ensure that your waste is properly managed. Besides recycling waste, composting organic waste can also be an option. It will reduce the release of methane and carbon dioxide in landfill.

11. Eat Less Red Meat

Try as much as possible to eat less red meat. Farms actually contribute to carbon emission that acidify the ocean. The food that animals eat will release gases that speed up global warming. Other than that, the waste they create also cause pollution to the air.

12. Grow Marine Plants

Marine plants such as seaweed or eelgrass can also be a solution. According to a study, an ocean area with the most amount of marine plants actually experience less acidification. By helping marine plants to flourish, the ocean will have additional defenses to protect itself.

Read more: Importance of Seaweed in Marine Ecosystems

13. Save Marine Habitat

Harming marine habitat hurts the overall wellbeing of the ocean. This makes it less resilient to ocean acidification. Saving marine habitat and all the living creatures in it will make the ocean stronger. It will have a higher percentage of healing. Saving marine habitat can be done by creating marine sanctuaries or avoid actions that will negatively impact them.

Also read: Importance of Marine Biodiversity Conservation

14. Stop Offshore Drilling

Even though humans benefit from offshore drilling, the risk from it can acidify the ocean. Oil spill is no strange news, it happens frequently in small and large scales all over the world. Once it happens, it can take a huge toll on the ocean. Ceasing offshore drilling once and for all can turn out to be a good thing.

Read more: Effects of Chemical Spills in the Ocean

15. Increase Ocean Alkaline

This is a method that can remove carbon dioxide from the ocean. Eventually, the acidity of the ocean can decrease. Synthethic chemicals are often added to the ocean water so the alkaline level could increase. Natural minerals are used as well.

See also: Importance of Ocean for the Global Climate

The ocean is valuable to the world and it’s necessary to save it. The progress to stop ocean acidification could be slow. But good outcome can happen if people are determined enough to make significant changes.

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