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15 Functions of Oceans in Regulating Climate

by Fitriani

The climate that we have in our world is mostly influenced by our oceans. After all, they do cover a huge portion of earth. How exactly do they regulate climate? It all comes together through the ocean currents, temperature, salinity and the marine organisms.

To gain a deeper knowledge, these 15 Functions of Oceans in Regulating Climate will tell you more. No matter how far or near you are to the oceans, they impact your climate.

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1. Trigger Cloud Formation through Bacterias

According to recent studies, there’s a group of marine organisms that help in forming clouds. They are bacterias that are called as Pelagibacterales. These bacterias are able to produce dimethylsuflide, also known as DMS. DMS is the thing that trigger the cloud formation. Pelagibacterales are abudant in the oceans and play a role in maintaining the atmosphere.

2. Absorb Heat

70% of the earth is covered in ocean water. This saltwater functions as a heat absorbing machine for the world. Most of the energy that the sun delivers to us will be taken by the oceans. It helps to distribute the heat to all parts of the world, mostly through ocean currents. This will also slow down the process of climate change.

3. Bring in Rain

Most of the world’s rain is formed by the ocean.It’s all done through the hydrologic cycle, also known as the water cycle. The water in the oceans continuously undergo evaportion. This speed up cloud formation that will be then carried by the winds. Apparently, tropical regions receive the most rain due to the high rate of evaporation in the oceans.

4. Carry Cool Ocean Currents

The oceans have currents that carry cold water. This cold water can make the climate in hot regions to become cooler. As they move to the equator, they take in the heat surrounding them. In turn, this will make the climate in the tropical region to have less heat in the air.

See also: Impacts of Ocean Currents on Climate

5. Desert Formation

The cool ocean currents can also cause desert formations. These currents don’t bring in any moisture. Thus, evaporation won’t be possible. Without evaporation or moisture, rain can’t happen.

6. Determine Monsoon Season

The monsoon season heavily affects India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Sri Lanka every year. It is often accompanied by thunderous, heavy rain and massive flooding. The Indian Ocean regulates this particular climate. Another factor that causes the monsoon is the difference in the temperature between the land and the ocean. The monsoon season takes place from April to September.

7. Humboldt Current System

Another name for the Humboldt Current System is the Peru currents. These currents are found in the South America oceans. The Humboldt Current System alter the nature of the surface on the ocean. So, due to these currents, the climate in Peru isn’t too hot.

Also read: Effects about Layers of the Ocean

8. Take in Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide is not the only thing that’s responsible for causing changes in our climate. However, its rapid rise is a cause of concern. Through human activities, especially industrial ones, a huge amount of carbon dioxide is released into the air. The oceans function to control the of carbon in the air by taking in most of it.. Without the ocean, there would be a major change in our climate due to all the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

9. Thermohaline Circulation

The Thermohaline Circulation also goes by the famous term, the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt. This circulation in the ocean helps to mix the water. The bottom water rises to surface while the surface water sinks to the deep parts of the ocean. This is important in distributing nutrients, heat and, of course, regulating the climate. The Thermohaline Circulation is responsible for influencing the climate in Iceland.

10. Transport Heat

Temperature and salinity work hand in hand when it comes to controlling the world’s climate. Similar to how the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt works, they are able to determine how ocean water will behave. They can control the sinking of the water on the surface that may contain a lot of heat. This heat is then transported to other parts of the oceans.

Read more: Importance of Ocean Temperature

11. Spawn Powerful Storms

Storms are a big part of climate. It’s crucial for people to know when storms are going to occur. There are even storm season over some regions in the world. The oceans can spawn these storms which will then make their way to the land. It is predicted that in the coming years, these storms will become stronger and stronger due to climate change.

12. Corals Cool Down Earth

Corals can actually produce DMSP. This will help in producing more water droplets. Thus, the ocean can contribute to increasing the amount of cloud in the atmosphere. This particular cloud formation can cool down the earth. The heat of the sun won’t easily penetrate our world because most of it would be reflected back to space.

13. Maintain Climate in Coastal Regions

The oceans are better at maintaining the climate over coastal regions. It’s because those regions are closer to the water. The regulation tend to be easier. That’s why it’s common to feel that the climate is nicer than areas that are located in the main land.

14. Kuroshio Currents

Kuroshio Currents are responsible for the climate in Japan. During the Summer season, the currents would bring in rain. It’s all due to the amount of moisture that is in the air, carried by the currents. Though there may be rain, the overall weather could be very humid.

15. Marine Forests Absorb Carbon

These so called marine forests include kelp, seaweed, mangrove forests and algae. Apparently, these marine forests are more effective then the forests on land when it comes to absorbing carbon. This is also a way for the ocean to regulate climate and avoid global warming.

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Scientists continuously carry out research and study to understand how the oceans affect our climate. There is still a lot that we have to explore in the oceans.

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